Sustainable Agro Practices
Sustainable Agro Practices

At our agro-based multi-industry, we are committed to promoting sustainable agriculture practices and supporting the local farming community.

Namaste & Welcome Khilung Kalika Agro Group

A Step for Agro Innovation

At our agro industry, we believe that sustainable agriculture is the key to a brighter, healthier future for all. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to developing innovative, eco-friendly farming practices that promote biodiversity, protect natural resources, and reduce our carbon footprint.

KK Agro Group's Presence Our Products

We are committed to pursuing opportunities that align with our values and goals, and that have the potential to create value for our stakeholders. Through our ventures, we seek to innovate, create jobs, and make a positive impact on the world around us.

KK Eggs

KK Chicks

Krishak Organic Fertilizer

KK Feed

KK Biogas

Namaste & Welcome Message From The MD

Dear valued stakeholders, As the MD of this KK Agro Group, I am proud to announce our renewed focus on providing high-quality products that prioritize the needs of our customers while upholding our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. Our group has been established for several years, and we have made significant strides in providing high-quality products and services to our valued customers. We have a diverse range of products that cater to the needs of various industries, and we continuously strive to improve our offerings by investing in research and development.

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harmony with nature & technology Sustainable Farms for a Better Tomorrow

Our farms are designed to work in harmony with nature, using advanced technologies and proven techniques to optimize crop yields while minimizing environmental impact. We use only the highest-quality seeds, fertilizers, and pest control methods, ensuring that our products are free of harmful chemicals and safe for both human consumption and the planet.

Diverse Bussiness Opportunities Our Group of Companies

At our agro industry, we believe that sustainable agriculture is the key to a brighter, healthier future for all. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to developing innovative, eco-friendly farming practices that promote biodiversity, protect natural resources, and reduce our carbon footprint.


Khilung Kalika Agro Farm Pvt. Ltd

Bheerkot-7, Syangja

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Janakpur Agro Farm Limited

DhanushaDham-09, Dharapani

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Om Agro Pvt. Ltd.

Hetauda-19, Newarpani, Makwanpur

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Khilung Kalika Marketing Pvt. Ltd

Suryabinayak-02, Balkot, Bhaktapur

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Growing Together With Community Giving Back

We always strive to contribute for a more sustainable and responsible agricultural system, that not only enhances us, but also everyone around us.

Our Products

Our Subsidiary companies help us focus the right effort and manpower to the right product to ensure its quality.

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